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Composite Butt Augmentation
A 26-year-old Hispanic woman desired larger fuller buttocks and wanted significant projection. Composite buttock augmentation- the use of implants and autologous fat grafting was performed by Dr. Del Vecchio in NYC. Composite buttock augmentation - the use of smaller butt implants covered with fat - was developed by Dr. Del Vecchio who published the largest series on this procedure in 2019. Postoperatively the result is much improved, with increased buttock projection and a natural look. Recovery from composite buttock augmentation takes about 4-6 weeks.
A 52-year-old African American woman desired larger fuller buttocks and wanted significant projection. Composite buttock augmentation- the use of implants and autologous fat grafting was performed by Dr . Del Vecchio in NYC. Composite buttock augmentation - the use of smaller butt implants covered with fat - was developed by Dr. Del Vecchio who published the largest series on this procedure in 2019. Composite buttock augmentation is used when there is inadequate projection or inadequate fat. Postoperatively the result is much improved, with increased buttock projection and a natural look. Recovery from composite buttock augmentation takes about 4-6 weeks.
A 24-year-old Transgender woman desired larger fuller buttocks and wanted significant projection. Composite buttock augmentation- the use of implants and autologous fat grafting was performed by Dr. Del Vecchio in NYC. Composite buttock augmentation - the use of smaller butt implants covered with fat - was developed by Dr. Del Vecchio who published the largest series on this procedure in 2019. Composite buttock augmentation is used when there is inadequate projection or inadequate fat. Postoperatively the result is much improved, with increased buttock projection and a natural look. Recovery from composite buttock augmentation takes about 4-6 weeks.